Associate Degrees

Study Mode
Associate Degree of Applied Information Technology

(Study Method: Online)

During this online course, you’ll complete a range Vendor Certification within the I.T industry and develop a solid foundation of information technology skills and knowledge. From network and database engineering fundamentals to app development to project management and programming, this degree can give you everything you need to strive and thrive in your I.T career.

Associate Degree of Applied Business

(Study Method: Online)

This applied business course will equip you with the necessary practical knowledge about how an organization is structured, how business, marketing, finance and accounting come together in a workplace environment and how the commercial world works. Make an enquiry now!

Associate Degree of Applied Cloud Technology

(Study Method: Online)

The Associate Degree of Applied Cloud Technology can give you the intermediate skills needed to work as Cloud Technology professional and increase your chances of landing a higher paying position once in the industry.